FMC Proctor Examination Report | Food Managers Certification
FMC Proctor Examination Report

Please answer all questions and then submit your proctor examination report.

Administration Information
* Proctor Name:
* Proctor Location:
* Examination Date & Time:
* Number of Examinees:
* Names of Examinees:
Seating Chart:
Pre-exam Activities
* Did you perform the Pre-exam security check?
* Did you collect IDs?
* Did you read the Candidate Script before administering the examination?
* Did you allow candidates to ask questions before the start of the examination?
Examination Environment
* Was the lighting adequate?
* Was the room temperature adequate?
* Were the examinees spaced apart?
* Did you monitor the examinees during the examination? If Yes, please explain.
* Did you or the examinees experience any technical issues? If Yes, please explian.
Did you contact tech support to resolve the technical issues?
* Were there any disruptions? If Yes, please explain.
Were there any instances of cheating? If Yes, please explain.